Perry County Sheriff's Office

Serving Perry County Towns of Pinckneyville, DuQuoin, Cutler, Willisville, Tamaroa


The Sheriff’s Office provides general and specialized investigative services throughout Perry County based upon the need for countywide jurisdiction to conduct an investigation and upon the availability of investigative resources in a local police department. Investigative services are organized into the functional groups of Crimes Against Property, Crimes Against Persons, Drug Enforcement, Organized Crime, Crime Scene processing, Crime Analysis and Street Drug Enforcement.

Sheriff’s investigators are assigned crimes reported in the unincorporated areas of Perry County. Investigative staffs routinely work with investigators from area police departments as well as with state and federal investigative agencies in order to share information, leads and resources.

Sheriff’s investigators are assigned reported violations of Illinois Criminal Law that occur within Perry County and it is their responsibility to gather both the physical evidence and factual information required to identify and apprehend offenders and to assist the State’s Attorney’s Office in the prosecution of those offenders. Investigators are assigned to crimes that vary from burglary, robbery, credit card and identity fraud, computer crime, sex cases, homicide and missing person cases. Investigators also serve search warrants and subpoenas in the course of their investigations.

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